Sunday 6 January 2013

Notes on Tangled

Narrated by a male voice

Rapunzels mother shown ill/weak

Large eyes

Unwilling to venture out of castle

Knitting, baking, ballet, paper maiche, candle making, sewing, brushing hair. - Stereotypical feminine activites

Waiting for something to happen to her.

‘What is it like, out there where they glow’

‘stuck in the same place I’ve always been

I’ll keep wondering and wondering and wondering and wondering…  when will my life begin.’

‘Mother might just let me go’

Flynn- self obsessed.

Thief – not typical of a ‘prince’ or ‘hero’

Rapunzel put down by mother

Charted stars – been proactive and done things on her own account.

Wanting more than to find a prince/love

Under mothers influence

Flynn-vain, obsessive, authoritative, materialistic

Manages to protect herself but at the same time is very afraid and frightened.

Proving a point to her mother –‘too weak to handle myself out there, huh, Mother?’

Going against what mother said, but this is then undermined by her hitting herself accidently with the frying pan.

Naïve – doesn’t understand how things work

Keeps being talked over by her mother

Deceives her mother, lies to her

Hides away when talking to Flynn

‘I know  why you’re here, and i’m not afraid of you.’ Undermined by her hiding in the shadows and not projecting that strength through her voice.

Becomes more confident and assertive.

Leadership in telling Flynn what is going to happen.

Inner turmoil at leaving – Excited/unhappy

Begins being easily lead by people, listening to what they say and taking that as the truth.

Flynn is very conniving

Switches betweens moments of being very strong and then being very dependent on others.

Innocent and naïve – ‘I do like ducklings’

Secondary characters – ruffians are shown as softer and more feminine –knitting, interior design

Helped out of situations by first Flynn, then the ruffians,

Although does save herself in certain situations as well as saving Flynn

Never goes on this adventure by herself

Flynn has more of an unusual background. Doesn’t come from a privileged background, no parents.

Becomes girly again and focused on love when she thinks he likes her

Stands up to her mother, says no. However then made unsure by her mother.

Again is linked with animals and wildlife. - Similar in other Disney princess movies e.g Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast 

Gradually falling in love with each other although still only in a short amount of time. - over the course of a couple of days

Interested in learning.

Still fundamentally a love story.

Has to be saved again by her mother.

Accepts things as they are. Doesn’t question

Stands up to her mother ‘Did I mumble mother.’

Stands against her.

Flynn has to be saved, but it is also done by men.

Flynn also saves Rapunzel

Rapunzel becomes captured by her mother. Continues to fight her mother.

Willing to give up her independence and freedom to save Flynn’s life.

Flynn ultimately defeats Rapunzel’s mother and is the hero as he gives up his life for Rapunzel and gives her freedom.

Rapunzel brings Flynn back to life, however that could be seen as unintentional as she didn’t know she could do that

Having a family, and a man =  ending with a happily ever after.

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